Many paths to take advantage of 3D printing

3DStep is an experienced 3D printing coach. We offer versatile 3D printing training and expert solutions for customers' development needs, from planning to strategy development.

Learn and know-how for companies and experts


Expert talks

Our experts are available for expert talks and events. We are regular speakers at seminars, trainings and events. Want to hear inside information about 3D printing of metallic materials, or perhaps see the future through innovation lenses? Contact us!

Development services

3DStep's CEO Pekka Ketola offers business services, and in particular the utilization of 3D printing, through ELY's development services. Take advantage of the value for money!

Flexible learning solutions

Learning can start with an example of an hour-long introduction. At its most extensive, we offer extensive coaching programs and learning paths for private and public actors.

  • 3D printing lessons

    Lessons and coaching on specific topics. Including 3D printing technologies, Design, Business models, Digital spare parts. Lessons are planned according to learning objectives.

  • 3D printing events

    3D printing events as part of other events, or as separate entities. If necessary, we will build an entire conference. Through our network, we also find suitable pioneers and experts to bring international perspectives.

  • Learning together & co-creation

    Learning together is effective. Rarely is it enough for one person on a team to know the secrets of 3D printing. The best impact is achieved through learning and insight together in workshops that combine theory and practice.

Are you looking for a topic for research or a thesis?

We support and collaborate with universities and international development projects that develop or validate 3D printing technologies, design models, and future opportunities. Feel free to present your ideas and evaluate the possibilities of the project together.


In our training offer, you will find everything you need from the basics of 3D printing to full utilization. We help you develop your organization's competencies.